Author Archives: site_manager

Cat working in the archives at AAL

Cat working in the archives at AAL

What is your job role?
Project Archaeology (Archives)

How long have you worked for Allen Archaeology?
1 year and 7 months

How would describe your excavation technique?
Pick and Mix

How long have you been working in archaeology?
1 year and 7 months

How did you get into archaeology?
Came for a week’s volunteering at Allen, became a trainee and have never looked back.

What is the best thing about your job?
Seeing all the nice shiny finds come back from the conservator.

Excavating a skeleton in October 2014

Excavating a skeleton in October 2014

Specialist skills?
Organising baking competitions at North Killingholme- we’ve had mince pies, biscuits and tarts!

Best site hut biscuit?
I like to jazz it up with a pink wafer 

An evaluation by trial trenching is sometimes requested as a condition of planning consent, or more frequently since the advent of NPPF, on advice from the planning authority prior to the application being submitted or determined. The condition or advice is based on the likelihood that the site holds archaeological potential. The applications vary but could for instance concern a small or large scale development that involves any below ground impacts such as housing developments, industrial developments or landscaping.
Company director Chris Clay watching a trench being opened

Company director Chris Clay watching a trench being opened

Several factors play a part for allocating the trenches within the development area. Some may be based on geophysical survey results that target certain anomalies of archaeological potential, whilst others may be strategically placed within the area to try and determine the extent of any potential archaeology. How much of the site that will be sampled is usually down to the local authorities and their policies, but tends to vary between 2% and 5% of a development area GPS survey equipment allows us to target our trenches at agreed locations to centimetre accuracy.

The majority of trenches are excavated by a mechanical excavator fitted with a smooth ditching bucket. However, to everyone’s dread, there are those cases where hand dug trenches are the only way forward! In either case, it is up to the supervising archaeologist to decide on the appropriate depth. Either this will be on the first significant archaeological horizon or when the natural geology has been reached.

Once open, the trench is ready to be investigated and recorded. If there are any archaeological features, these will be excavated by hand. Any finds will be retained, bagged and labelled and soil samples may be taken to identify the feature’s function or to give information about the past surrounding landscape and environment. Plans, section drawings, descriptions of deposits and further photographs will also be taken.

When all the trenches have been recorded, they are backfilled and the post-excavation work can begin in the office. Finds are washed and marked and submitted to the relevant specialists for detailed analysis.

After all the data has been compiled and a report has been written and sent off to the client and the local planning authority, a decision will be made by the county or city archaeologist for that area, whether any further work is required. If the results show the potential for significant archaeology, or features of archaeological importance, the evaluation may be followed by an open area excavation, where a large part of the development area is stripped down to the archaeological horizon. If the evaluation shows some more limited archaeological presence that requires further investigation, but none that warrants an excavation, the evaluation may be followed by an archaeological watching brief. This work will be carried out during the actual development groundworks.

Getting the hang of magenetometry

Getting the hang of magenetometry

In February 2016 AAL opened internal applications for a Project Archaeologist to undertake a three month secondment with the Geophysics Project Officer, Rob Evershed. The secondment would give someone experience in basic geophysical survey including; undertaking the surveys, setting up surveys (gridding out and the use of GPS), data analysis and interpretations, the post-fieldwork reporting process and preparations of illustrations and preparing the archive.

I applied as I have always enjoyed taking part in geophysics projects; being able to create my own interpretations of the sites as my understanding of them develops, and the physical nature of the role which allows me to loose myself in the task at hand.

Still going

Still going

Prior to working with AAL I had experience of working on archaeological geophysics projects at another company. I hoped this role would allow me to develop my skills and put me in a position to specialise in archaeological geophysics.

GIS training with Rob

GIS training with Rob

Rob has been a great (and patient!) tutor allowing me to get involved with all elements of the work. It has been challenging physically (Rob works at a very fast pace, sometimes completing 20-30 grids a day, almost twice as many as normal people), and mentally, as I have very limited experience with writing and producing reports.

Like everyone I have really enjoyed the sunny days on site, but I have also found I like seeing the project through to completion. Being able to put together background research with any topographic clues and finally seeing the processed results is a really engaging task. Equally the sites which provide us with complete surprises are great, as we are the first people to discover them; one site we uncovered evidence for a medieval settlement which had not been picked up in the background research.

I have come away feeling I know a lot more about what happens after the geophysical survey and a lot more confident in my abilities. I hope that following the completion of my secondment I might be able to start running my own, small, projects and processing my own data for producing reports.

Archaeological excavation is by its very nature a destructive activity. In order to properly understand and record the archaeology it may necessary to actually remove any physical traces of the archaeology leaving behind only written records, drawn plans and photographs. Commercial archaeology is in a lot of cases an attempt to rescue or record archaeology before it’s destroyed by future building work. Part of the problem is that while historic records can often give an idea of what might be found within a development area, the actual nature of potential archaeological remains actually require some intrusive investigation…… or do they?

This is where the science (or some might argue the art) of geophysical surveying can allow a non-intrusive view into the past. If the location of archaeological remains can be identified without sticking random holes in the ground it can allow a much more targeted, and potentially less destructive, approach to be taken. This can also save a lot of time and money within the construction process. A geophysical survey can also allow the bigger picture of a site to be revealed.

Undertaking a magentometry survey

Undertaking a magentometry survey

There are a number of different geophysical techniques used within the archaeological world, unfortunately none are perfect for all conditions and locations. There are a few main techniques that are widely used

• Resistivity. Resistivity involves an electrical current being fed into the ground and the resistance to this current being recorded. The usual approach being a two pronged machine placed into the ground at regular intervals across the required area with readings taken at each location. High resistance readings may suggest walls or rubble fills, whilst low resistance readings can indicate ditches or drains.
• GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar). GPR uses radio pulses transmitted vertically downwards and the reflection of these pulses from buried layers and structures to build up a picture of ground below. GPR has the ability to provide a three-dimensional view of a buried site.
• Magnetometry. Magnetometry relies on the ability of the magnetometer to measure very small magnetic fields associated with archaeological remains. These magnetic fields are either the result of thermoremanence or magnetic susceptibility. Thermorenanence occurs when weakly magnetic material is heated up and then cools. The material can then gain a permanent magnetisation associated with the direction of the earth’s magnetic field while it cools. The magnetic susceptibility of a material is related to the magnetism induced when the material is placed within a magnetic field. Since the earth’s magnetic field is always present, the magnetic susceptibility of buried material can be measured using the magnetometer.

There are other geophysical techniques used in the search for buried archaeology, seismic, microgravity, induced polarisation and metal detecting to name a few. However the three main techniques are resistivity, GPR and magnetometry.

Results of a survey showing a potential medieval settlement in Leicestershire

Results of a survey showing a potential medieval settlement in Leicestershire

Within commercial archaeology the most widely used method is magnetometry. This is mainly due to the speed at which large areas can be covered and the impressive results that can be obtained. As with all methods however the site conditions will dictate how suitable the technique is. Within built-up urban locations magnetometry will be next to useless due to the interference of external magnetic fields from buildings, cars, modern services or modern rubbish. All these and more can mask the small magnetic fields generated by buried archaeology. In this situation GPR may well be a far better choice.
I’ve now been working for Allen Archaeology for 5 and half years and whilst these days I am allowed out to occasionally dig, my main duties are as a Geophysical Project Officer. This involves both the physical part- actual surveying, and the office based part- processing data and writing reports. I look upon the latter as a necessary evil which allows me to spend time on the much more enjoyable (mostly) former. Fortunately the majority of the sites we survey are not completely waterlogged, and despite the reputation the British weather has for rain, I do seem to manage to stay fairly dry. Except for my feet when I don’t realise my (non-metallic) boots have holes in them.

Iron Age/ Roman settlement in Nottingham

Iron Age/ Roman settlement in Nottingham

Geophysical surveying large sites can be very hard work. There is a lot of walking involved, both in setting out grids and in actually surveying. My legs and feet have suffered somewhat over the last few years; blisters are a not uncommon occurrence. However as an aid to fitness nothing beats walking 20-25km a day across fields. The exciting part is of course when I get to see the downloaded data for the first time. On many occasions there can be a little disappointment as all that is revealed is a former field boundary or in some cases nothing of interest at all. However every so often something far more exciting is revealed. I get to be the first person to see Romano-British field systems, forgotten medieval settlements, ploughed out ridge and furrow cultivation, or even outstanding modern drainage systems.

The practical side of the geophysical survey is that it can be done fairly swiftly, covering 2-3 hectares a day (all depending on site conditions of course). Then specific areas can be targeted for excavation if necessary. This can potentially allow a ‘key-hole surgery’ approach to the archaeological remains, limiting the destruction whilst maximising the information gathered through digging. Plus it can be very satisfying when an excavation reveals my geophysics results to be completely accurate.

According to a helpful little counter that shows up on my employment record I have been working for Allen Archaeology for 2 years 6 month and 23 days. Nothing particularly ground breaking, but in that period of time I been fortunate enough to work on some incredibly interesting and exciting sites but I’ve also progressed from a Trainee Project Archaeologist to Project Supervisor level and in the process received a staggering amount of training and learned what it means to be a commercial archaeologist along the way.

Taking part in a field school at Nevern Castle while at uni

Taking part in a field school at Nevern Castle while at uni

I have always loved history, but it wasn’t until I started looking at University courses that I realised that when I grew up (!) I actually wanted to be an archaeologist! So in 2010 I went to study Anthropology and Archaeology at Durham University, partly because it was something that I thought would be interesting and partly because they let me live in the castle. It was pretty good in that it gave a very comprehensive overview of archaeology, but like most archaeology degrees lacked in practical aspects; in fact there were no compulsory archaeological fieldwork modules as part of the course. Nonetheless, I left Durham with 8 weeks of field experience, and the overwhelming impression that commercial archaeology may not be something I really wanted to look into; it was a bit too cynical and our yearly “careers” talk made it seem like the commercial world was not an exciting one to work in. So when my degree ended I made the decision to take a year off, earn some money, and then go back and do a masters.

This plan however spectacularly failed. I moved back to Lincolnshire and got a call from AAL (a year after I had applied to be a volunteer with them!) asking if I was available to work and offering to employ me. I started in September 2013 as one of their trainee site assistants, with very little experience of what commercial archaeology was or what was expected of me.

I did have a trowel though; so it was a start.

Where I cut my teeth was at AAL’s colossal North Killingholme project (NKAM) and training was given on the job. I was told what I was expected to do and then left to get on with it; sort of like being thrown in at the deep end and “shadowing” the other project archaeologists when I needed guidance. There was no formal training plan but I think it was a pretty effective way of learning the basics, and there was always someone nearby to help when I got lost.

It was fairly simple archaeology to begin with, putting metre sections through Roman ditches, and the thing I remember most is continuously being squeaked at and asked by the PO on site “Are you happy with those edges?”. It turned into a bit of a game with all the other PA’s on site, lightly mocking this phrase, but it taught me how to excavate quickly and accurately and helped me progress into being a real Project Archaeologist. Learning how to record took me a little longer however, it was a whole new experience being shown how to draw to scale and how to trust my interpretations of features, but I got there eventually and was able to move onto digging larger and more exciting features, like ditch intersections, Roman Kilns, and ring ditches.

Excavating a skeleton in October 2014

Excavating a skeleton in October 2014

That’s one of the things I enjoy about working here, that there is a lot of effort devoted to trying to training staff and to give everyone a rounded knowledge base; everyone learns how to work the survey equipment and is expected to be able to excavate and record a feature from start to finish, and everyone gets some experience in post-ex be it finds processing, writing context summaries, or producing figures. It’s something that I massively benefited from.

The next year was a massive learning curve and I received a lot of training beyond the practical skills I was still learning in the field. I got to handle a lot of the material remains that were coming from sites through washing and processing the finds and I started learning the basics of post-excavation work and about working with GIS programs by digitizing drawings and phasing sites. I spent a lot of time staring in frustration at muddy scans while digitizing plans and sections and at the array of pastel colours used to phase the NKAM sites, . It wasn’t always the most exciting things, but it defiantly helped me become a more rounded archaeologist, and made me realise the importance of properly recording and checking the work we do on site!

DIgging the ring ditch at North Killingholme

DIgging the ring ditch at North Killingholme

At the end of June 2015 positions became available within the company for Project Supervisors and, with the support of my line manager, I applied and was given the job as a trainee supervisor. Unlike my last traineeship, this position had a much more structured training plan and I was given tasks which needed to be signed off by various managers and project officers in order to check my progress. It was a little messy at first as there was still a massive hands on approach, and it took some time to actually be able to put the training plan in place for various reasons, but I started off in a safe place, back at Killingholme guiding our new trainees, before being sent off on some of my own jobs. Like before I started off small; with small scale watching briefs and evaluation sites which over the next few months gradually progressed into slightly larger jobs, with a few other team members to supervise. It took some adjusting to (and a lot of site visits and phone calls asking questions before I got my bearings!), but it was exciting and I got to work on some interesting sites and developed a particular interest in community based archaeology. I had enjoyed working on some of the previous outreach projects such as the open days at North Killingholme and at the Canwick Bomber Command Memorial site in 2014, so when I was given the opportunity to work on a few community projects run with the National Trust I jumped at the chance!

Talking to volunteers on a community dig at Hinton Ampner

Talking to volunteers on a community dig at Hinton Ampner

What changed most with this new role, however, was the responsibilities beyond the fieldwork and learning how to manage a site, and I got the chance to develop more post excavation skills. I learned how to structure reports and produce figures and I spent a lot of time in the office repeating this process until it was second nature. Again it’s not always the most exciting thing, and some days it’s incredibly frustrating and I wish I was outside happily digging ditches, but it is worth it. There is a special sort of pleasure you can take in making a figure look pretty, or getting your teeth stuck into a particularly interesting site you are writing up!

I suppose what I take from all this reminiscing about the considerable range of traineeships and professional development I have experienced within Allen Archaeology over the past two and a half years, is that I’m incredibly proud of my achievements here and, despite a number of stumbles along the way, I am very grateful for the continuous support and guidance I have received at all stages, from everyone within the company. It’s made me the archaeologist I am today and I love my job, especially the community projects and the opportunities to be involved in new team members training, and I hope I give them even a little but as much encouragement and support as I received when I first started.

But I’m still learning.

And I may have realised that now I’m not always joking when I ask people on a site I am supervising if they’re happy with their edges….

Warning: Images of human remains feature in this post

If you’re involved in the heritage sector then chances are you’ve seen a three dimensional (3D) model of an archaeological site, feature or artefact that you can view and interact with on a computer screen or mobile device. It’s likely this was created using SfM, which operates under the basic principle that 3D structure can be resolved using overlapping images. Photogrammetry is the science of making measurements from photographs. Therefore, SfM photogrammetry is the use of photographs to accurately record 3D models from which measurements and details can be recorded. I could go into more detail regarding the technique itself works but for now lets just assume it’s tantamount to magic!

Photography of a collard urn

Capturing a collard urn

We’ve been exploring the possible uses here at AAL for a couple of years now after initially learning about its potential from the master of archaeological photography, Adam Stanford ( Initially we trialled the technique out in the field for the recording of skeletons and masonry because these are two often poorly recorded feature-types; that and our office at the time was somewhat unsuitable for artefact recording (to put it mildly) and my spare bedroom/dark room at home was full of kittens. What we found was that, if recorded properly on site, the technique allowed for a more accurate record of the feature from which a traditional illustration could be made and disseminated to specialists to aid in their assessment/analysis.

Example of a record using SfM on site

Example of a record using SfM on site

It also allowed us to revisit these features from the comfort of the office (the new one, not the old one) and examine them in closer detail than we had time for on site.

Masonry recording

Masonry recording

By the time my fieldwork marathon was complete we had a new head office in Lincoln with plenty of space for us to experiment with SfM on artefacts. Trial and error was key here, and there were many failed attempts before finally working out a methodology fit for the task (credit must go to Hugh Fiske for providing the inspiration needed to complete this and I’m sure you’ll agree he’s made some beautiful models,

Part of the company ethos here focusses on training for all, and as soon as we were happy with the workflow we began training others in this recoding technique. Currently we’re building up a portfolio of models so that in the near-future we can showcase them online for everyone to access, so watch this space.

Chris training Andrea and Charlotte in Structure from Motion

Chris training Andrea and Charlotte in Structure from Motion

At the end of the March I spent four days at the University of Oslo for the Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) annual conference. AAL were fantastic and supported my attendance, as did a low income bursary from CAA International. Last summer, prior to getting a job with AAL, I agreed to run a session with Stuart Eve of LP Archaeology at the conference focussing on digital approaches to multisensory engagements with the past (Interpretations from digital sensations). We decided to run the session on the back of a series of discussions we have both had on twitter about each of our research trying to move beyond a visual interpretation of the past.

Piotr Dziewanowski from the National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk presenting scans of the Soldek

Piotr Dziewanowski from the National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk presenting scans of the Soldek

Lawrence Shaw's 3D printed Digital Elevation Model

Lawrence Shaw’s 3D printed Digital Elevation Model

I presented a paper in the session and we had two other speakers; Lawrence Shaw of the New Forest National Park and Piotr Dziewanowski from the National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk. My paper seemed to go down fairly well, which is always nice, and the other two papers were fantastic. The team from Gdańsk presented a series of scans of the museum ship the Soldek, which looked like an incredibly complicated project and produced some amazing outputs. While Lawrence Shaw and his team demonstrated the use of 3d printing to engage the public with the Lidar; letting people “get tactile” with the landscape.

While I was out there I also had some great conversations about how to introduce more digital techniques or applications into commercial archaeology, a slightly ignored subject, and “enthusiastically” discussed over a few glasses of wine at the fantastic Museum of Cultural History… The underlying theme of those discussions was not that commercial archaeology did not need to introduce new and shiny methodologies and applications, but rather that there was no time in the commercial world to roll out and field test new on site approaches and in the UK archives are frequently not willing to accept digital data. For example, I saw numerous approaches to using tablets onsite for recording, instead of the traditional context sheets. This would allow us to avoid digitizing these at the end of the project and should in theory force the appropriate data to be collected in the field. However, setting up and ensuring this system works on the software end would require a lot of development. There are costs associated with buying in the kit. And also is the hardware capable of dealing with a British winter… (Though Mike and Flo from LP highlighted that you can buy ruggedized tablets; the issue is ensuring they are cleaned and dried on return from the field).

One of the Viking Ships and the incredible building they are housed in

One of the Viking Ships and the incredible building they are housed in

Detail of the woodworking from one of the ships

Detail of the woodworking from one of the ships

Somewhere along the line we went to visit the Viking Ship Museum, where my inner maritime archaeologist got very excited. The boats, the artefacts, the preservation, and the building they are presented in is amazing!

One of the sessions that really stood out for me was run by Gary Lock, Agiatis Benardou, Costis Dallas, Paul Reilly and Jeremy Huggett; a roundtable on scenarios for the next five years of archaeological computing. It was a really challenging session making us all think about the future of digital archaeology and I’m looking forward to hearing about the follow up to the session.

Finally on the last day I “conference-bombed” the digiTAG session ran by my friend Sara and her colleagues. They had a couple of presenters drop out and wanted to fill a couple of spots. All I can say what seemed like a good idea at 10pm after a few pints seemed less appealing at 6am the next morning. But I gave a quick presentation on theorising archaeo-acoustics, a presentation I had wimped out of submitting to their session in the first place; and I think it was well received (or at least twitter seemed to think so). The whole session was fantastic and drew together a number of my thoughts on the lack of theoretical engagement with digital approaches. I was sad to miss the concluding discussions.

Site visit selfie

Site visit selfie #safteyfirst

What is your job role?
Office dog

How long have you worked for Allen Archaeology?
Nearly 6 months

How would describe your excavation technique?
Fast! But possibly in need of direction

How long have you been working in archaeology?
Nearly 6 months

How did you get into archaeology?
One member of my household staff had to go away for a week so the other had to bring me to the office. Everyone was so nice I couldn’t possibly consider doing anything else.

What is the best thing about your job?
Engaging with people, when I’m in the office everyone wants to talk to me and see what i’m “working” on!

Working hard in the office

Working hard in the office

Specialist skills?
Claiming sites – if you want that piece of masonry or mud marked, I’m your dog!

Best site hut biscuit?
Any within nose height!

Jedlee ChapmanWelcome to the first post in a series where we meet some of the AAL staff and ask the important question of which biscuit is best!

What is your job role?
Project Archaeologist – I dig and record archaeology to the best standard possible

How long have you worked for Allen Archaeology?
Nearly 3 years

How would describe your excavation technique?
God like – controlled to get a good understanding of the archaeology I’m excavating and not to injure myself

How long have you been working in archaeology?
Almost 14 years

How did you get into archaeology?
My uncle was kind enough to get me on a job he was working at the time when I was 15 (16, I mean 16!) and I’ve been doing it ever since

What is the best thing about your job?
Archaeology is just like other jobs most days; but then you have those days out in the field where you come across something special, like an upper Palaeolithic blade. Those days make the wait till pay day or home time seem inconsequential!

Specialist skills?
I don’t really have a specialist skill; I’m more of an all-rounder, I know a bit of this and a bit of that!

Best site hut biscuit?
The hobnob (or the last biscuit in the pack!)