Best site hut biscuit with Chris (Casswell)

A bit about Chris Casswell

What is your job role?
Senior Project Officer.
Chris on site at NKAM

Chris on site at NKAM

How long have you worked for Allen Archaeology?
Almost 3 years now, but it feels like yesterday.

How would describe your excavation technique?

How long have you been working in archaeology?
My first paid job was a bit over 10 years ago. I spent a few years up in Yorkshire before finding my way back to the flatlands in the east.

How did you get into archaeology?
I like mud. I remember spending most of my holidays as a child were spent running around outdoors and exploring castles, so I always wanted something more than just a 9 to 5 office job (notice the not-so-subtle hint to my bosses to let me go and play in the mud again). Farming didn’t quite provide the excitement that I craved so I honed my skills studying dead people’s rubbish at university in the hope of getting a real job – as an archaeologist.

What is the best thing about your job?
Stratigraphy! Spending weeks in the site hut scribbling notes on anything to hand to create a masterpiece telling the story of the whole site must be one of my favourite jobs. Later on finding out in post-ex. that the finds dating fits perfectly within it is also incredibly satisfying.

Both at work and during hobby-time (extended work hours) I love playing around with new tech: photography, GIS, 3D modelling, I think it’s all great. I’m not entirely sure the bosses really understand what it is I do (and neither do I half the time), but so long as I create something that looks pretty and moves us one step further into the 21st century no one seems to mind.

Specialist skills?
Cat whisperer. I also make a pretty good pancake.

Best site hut biscuit?
Custard creams, the biscuit of champions. Closely followed by chocolate hob nobs.