Best site hut biscuit with Feenagh

Project Supervisor Fee likes a good honest biscuit

Excavating a skeleton in October 2014

Excavating a skeleton in October 2014

What is your job role?
Project Supervisor

How long have you worked for Allen Archaeology?
I started working for AAL in September 2013

How would describe your excavation technique?
Erratic – It’s a messy process, but normally produces good results!

How long have you been working in archaeology?
Since September 2013!

How did you get into archaeology?
Through a love of history, a burning desire not to work inside and just a little bit of luck I guess.

What is the best thing about your job?
The community aspects of it. I’ve been lucky enough to work on a few of our recent community projects and I love the buzz you get from engaging with the public and talking about archaeology. We have a pretty cool job and it’s nice to show it off!

…Also mud.

Specialist skills?
The ability to turn any conversation into one about cats??!

Best site hut biscuit?
The digestive. It’s a good honest biscuit that isn’t afraid of a little bit of tea.
Or a Custard Cream if I’m feeling fancy…