Best site hut biscuit with Isobel

What is your job role?

Heritage Research Supervisor

How long have you worked for Allen Archaeology?

Just over three months – it’s gone very quickly!

How would you describe your excavation technique?

By now – probably a bit rusty! I used to take such pleasure in making a straight section…

How long have you been working in archaeology?

2 years and three months.

How did you get into archaeology?

I was studying geography at the University of Reading in 2011 and had the option to take some modules in Archaeology (up until then I wasn’t wholly sure what archaeology actually was). So I thought I’d give it a go (clearly I wasn’t finding my geography degree very stimulating…). The first archaeology module I took was entitled ‘Bones, bodies and burials’ and from then I was hooked. I found it fascinating! Once I finished my undergraduate I wanted to study archaeology in more detail, and in particular I wanted to specialise in human remains so I enrolled on an MSc in Bioarchaeology at the University of York. I absolutely loved it – lots of bones, mud and labs. When I finished this I got a job working in commercial archaeology and here I am!

The Heritage Research office

The Heritage Research office in all its Christmas glory!








What is the best thing about your job?

I enjoy heritage research because it’s great fun to build up a historical picture of an area and combine all the elements of our research (i.e. HER searches, local histories, historic mapping etc) to make one (hopefully) cohesive timeline. I am a self-confessed map geek and I love going to the archives and looking at historic maps – as Harvey will tell you I get pretty excited about this…

Maps aside, I have recently learned how to use GIS programming to create illustrations and for map regression and am enjoying being able to create a nice set of figures!

Specialist skills?

Well I was going to say being able to read old handwriting but I’m still not great at this…

Best site hut biscuit?

Without doubt the chocolate digestive. It was also voted as the favourite site biscuit in our recent Christmas poll in 2017 so this gives me confidence that most of my colleagues agree with me on this matter!