Welcome to the first post in a series where we meet some of the AAL staff and ask the important question of which biscuit is best!
What is your job role?
Project Archaeologist – I dig and record archaeology to the best standard possible
How long have you worked for Allen Archaeology?
Nearly 3 years
How would describe your excavation technique?
God like – controlled to get a good understanding of the archaeology I’m excavating and not to injure myself
How long have you been working in archaeology?
Almost 14 years
How did you get into archaeology?
My uncle was kind enough to get me on a job he was working at the time when I was 15 (16, I mean 16!) and I’ve been doing it ever since
What is the best thing about your job?
Archaeology is just like other jobs most days; but then you have those days out in the field where you come across something special, like an upper Palaeolithic blade. Those days make the wait till pay day or home time seem inconsequential!
Specialist skills?
I don’t really have a specialist skill; I’m more of an all-rounder, I know a bit of this and a bit of that!
Best site hut biscuit?
The hobnob (or the last biscuit in the pack!)