A Path Through Time. Medieval Lincoln and Excavations on the High Street, 2012
Maria Stockdale
£8.50 plus P&P

In 2012, Allen Archaeology Ltd was commissioned to undertake archaeological investigations at 200–201 High Street in Lincoln before the construction of a new three storey retail development. Before any building work took place, the excavation in the west of the site was embarked upon by a team of archaeologists. Since at least Roman times there have been attempts at land reclamation in the lower part of the city and this has pushed the course of the River Witham increasingly further to the west. The earliest layers encountered during the excavation dated from the 12th century. Several phases of medieval building, levelling and re-building could be seen and the excavation showed that these buildings sat either side of a previously unknown road used by carts bringing goods to and from the Brayford through to the busy High Street. This book tells the story of medieval Lincoln through and the evidence for the daily life of this small but busy neighbourhood.